Low to medium risk investment and pensions

Investing involves risk.

The risk arises as the value of the underlying asset(s) – such as shares, bonds or property as mentioned above – can fall and rise over time.

The main risk is that the value of your original investment amount can fall and you may not be guaranteed a minimum return. In extreme cases, you may lose all of your investment capital.

There are  many investment solutions available today to suit different risk appetites. To help achieve many of the long term financial goals that you may have, at some stage you may want to consider investing.

There are many ways to invest – what is important is to understand the investment solution and make sure it suits you and your goals.

That’s why at Nelson Life we work hard to ensure we talk about our investment funds in a clear way.

We aim to develop solutions that customers will understand and that will deliver an investment journey that they are comfortable with. With our wide array of investment funds, we ensure that we cater for the needs of the many different types of investors.

Funds categorised as Low to Medium Risk have the following characteristics:

Good example is New Ireland's iFunds 3 read more

  • They offer the potential for returns in excess of deposits but do not promise a minimum return at any time.

  • They tend to invest in a range of assets, normally focusing on lower risk assets such as government bonds and investment grade corporate bonds.

  • However they also typically invest in higher risk assets such as equities, property and alternatives (e.g. commodities). At times these investments may be a significant proportion of the fund.

  • Investors’ capital is less exposed to market fluctuations than higher risk investments but investors may get back less than they originally invested.

iFunds 3 is a diversified portfolio of funds designed and managed for customers looking for a low to medium risk investment.

Risk within iFunds 3 is managed in a number of different ways:

• By providing exposure to leading investment managers

• By providing exposure to a diverse range of asset classes

• By ensuring the mix and type of assets are suitable for the targeted risk level.

Each fund within the portfolio has been carefully selected for its contribution to the aim of iFunds 3.

This could be the fund’s individual characteristics, such as its ability to manage risk and generate return, or its ability to complement other components in the portfolio, such as providing exposure to alternative sources of investment return. *For some funds, the equity or bond assets in that fund may be used for the purpose of securities lending in order to earn an additional return for the fund. While securities lending increases the level of risk within a fund, it also provides an opportunity to increase the investment return.

Want to know more? We are available to discuss your options, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Our job is to help you choose a product and structure that will help you meet your goals.

telephone | 091441188 and/or email | office@nelsonlife.ie


Nelson Life Limited trading as Nelson Life is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

WARNING: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. WARNING: The value of your investment may go down as well as up. WARNING: You may lose some or all of the money you invest. WARNING: These funds may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates. WARNING: If you invest into this product you will have access until you retire (Pension Products). WARNING: The above content does not constitute investment advice, as it does not take into account the investment objectives, knowledge and experience of financial situation of any particular person. Prospective investors are advised to make their own assessment of the information contained herein and to obtain professional advice suitable to their own individual circumstances. WARNING: The information contained in this document is based on our understanding of current tax legislation and the current Revenue Commissioners interpretation thereof and is subject to change including retrospectively without notice. This is intended as a general guide only and is not a substitute for professional tax, legal and investment advice. 


Managing investment and pension fund risk


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