10 good reasons to invest into your pension

Whatever your age or circumstances, it’s always a good idea to plan for your retirement.

Reason 1 - Save Tax

Each investment will receive tax relief

Tax-free growth on your fund & Tax-free lump sum at retirement

Reason 2 - Income drop of almost 70% in retirement

Average wage in Ireland according to CSO versus State Pension (Contributory)

Reason 3 - Need an income for 20 years, on average

You have a 50% chance of living beyond age 84

Reason 4 - Age 68

If you are born after 01 January 1961, you will have to wait until age 68 to qualify for the State Pension

Reason 5 - Start early

Starting early has a big impact on your longer-term outcome, all other things equal.

Reason 6 - up to 40% tax relief

A EUR 400 per month investment will cost EUR 240 net after tax-relief if you are a 40% tax-payer. It will only cost EUR 320 net if you pay tax at 20%. Tax relief is not automatically grated, you must apply to and meet Revenue limits and conditions (we can help with this!)

Reason 7 - Tax-free growth

There is a wide range of investment options available and your money will grow tax fee, unlike deposits and other investments.

Reason 8 - EUR 200,000 lump sum tax-free

You may receive up to EUR 200,000 at age 60/or when you retire

Reason 9 - More choice & more flexibility

There are many different products available to you and we will take time to discuss your options.

You have the option to set up your plan - with you advice charged as either a fee, commission or combination of.

Reason 10 -Access to over 11 product providers

At Nelson life we will take time to explain, answer your questions and we have access to 11 pension product providers.

Want to know more? We are available to discuss your options, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Our job is to help you choose a product and structure that will help you meet your goals.

telephone | 091441188 and/or email | office@nelsonlife.ie


Nelson Life Limited trading as Nelson Life is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

WARNING: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. WARNING: The value of your investment may go down as well as up. WARNING: You may lose some or all of the money you invest. WARNING: These funds may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates. WARNING: If you invest into this product you will have access until you retire (Pension Products). WARNING: The above content does not constitute investment advice, as it does not take into account the investment objectives, knowledge and experience of financial situation of any particular person. Prospective investors are advised to make their own assessment of the information contained herein and to obtain professional advice suitable to their own individual circumstances. WARNING: The information contained in this document is based on our understanding of current tax legislation and the current Revenue Commissioners interpretation thereof and is subject to change including retrospectively without notice. This is intended as a general guide only and is not a substitute for professional tax, legal and investment advice. 


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