5 ways to rebalance your financial priorities & financial advice.

We all have conflicting financial priorities.

"Save for a rainy day. Save for retirement. Save for children's education. Buy life insurance. Change the car. Reduce work hours to spend more time with my children. Pay more off mortgage".

One of our most common recurring financial goals are to be debt free and have enough in the event of an emergency.

The real challenge is to balance this with all the other day to day stuff.

How can your financial planer and financial advisor assist?

Arranging an appointment with a financial planner & financial advisor will make sense of all the possibilities and potential outcomes.

At Nelson Life we have a clear process that will can help you better understand your current financial position and future possibilities.

We have over 20 years experience, professionally qualified and have invested heavily in our technology and advice delivery.

Making permanent changes

Financial advice and financial planning are about making permanent changes to ensure you get closer to your life goals - wealth and health goals (this is incredibly important and more often overlooked).Nelson Life will provide you with a structured plan and starting point to pursue your financial goals.

Where and how to re-balance your financial priorities

1. Understand what it is you actually want and fear?  - Understand what is important to you and your dependents. Everyone is different and these are very personal, it requires clarity and honesty. This will ensure the outcome of your financial advice is better and focused on exactly what you want.

2. What are the key hurdles and barriers you need to overcome? - Making change(s) usually means less of one thing to get more of another, all other things being equal. So understanding what is flexible is vital - totally removing something you enjoy is not going to work longer term.

3. Understanding your financial position today?  - We will clarify your present position, including your relevant financial data - assets, liabilities, expenses and income sources.

4. Taking control of your financial affairs. - A Nelson Life cash flow statement allows you to know how much money you have available. How is your money allocated, where is it invested and the current longer term picture - if things stay the same. Financial advice is about change and we can show you the financial impact of making small changes - for example having a monthly saving target or paying €100.00 per month more off the mortgage each month.

5. Your Plan. - A financial plan & financial advice are the key to enabling you to take control of your finances - ensure enough money available in the event of an emergency, plan for children's education, surplus money each year for holidays and importantly take advantage of opportunities you may miss.

START TODAY - making a change requires action. The Nelson Life financial advice process will follow these steps:

1. Let's meet and talk. We will introduce what we do and define the terms of the relationship. Including fees and charges. Then its about you.

2. We collect the required information.

3. We then analyse & evaluate the information supplied. We then outline a plan.

4. We will then prepare your written plan, which we will present and discuss with you.

5. We agree which parts of the plan you wish to implement.

6. Review and meet as needed. Adjust the plan as circumstances change

Want to know more? We are available to discuss your options, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Our job is to help you choose a product and structure that will help you meet your goals.

telephone | 091441188 and/or email | office@nelsonlife.ie


Nelson Life Limited trading as Nelson Life is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

WARNING: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. WARNING: The value of your investment may go down as well as up. WARNING: You may lose some or all of the money you invest. WARNING: These funds may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates. WARNING: If you invest into this product you will have access until you retire (Pension Products). WARNING: The above content does not constitute investment advice, as it does not take into account the investment objectives, knowledge and experience of financial situation of any particular person. Prospective investors are advised to make their own assessment of the information contained herein and to obtain professional advice suitable to their own individual circumstances. WARNING: The information contained in this document is based on our understanding of current tax legislation and the current Revenue Commissioners interpretation thereof and is subject to change including retrospectively without notice. This is intended as a general guide only and is not a substitute for professional tax, legal and investment advice. 


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