Insights - learnings and some tips for reference
Equities make losses even in good years
Investing for the longer-term means that you should have a higher allocation of your money in ‘growth-assets’. Nelson Life Investments have access to the widest range of investment funds, across a wide risk spectrum. Talk to Nelson life 091441188
Invest for the long term
Investing for the longer-term. What are your options, talk to Nelson life Investments 091441188
Why pensions make sense
Some key reasons why making an investment into your pension fund makes sense. Know more about your options and your numbers - talk to Nelson Life 091441188
Why Life Insurance?
We cant predict what is going to have tomorrow, however, having adequate life insurance ensures your loved ones are protected. Access to Ireland’s leading providers and discounts may be available (T&Cs apply). Talk to Nelson life 091441188
Trusted financial advice
What are your key financial numbers and does your advisor have access to all market leading products. Talk to Nelson life Financial Planning 091441188
EUR 3,000 Small gift tax exemption
Make the most of the ‘Small Annual Gift Exemption’ - talk to Nelson life Investment 091441188
Co habiting couples and inheritance tax
Co-habiting couples should be aware of this, and ensure there Plan reflects the potential impact of this Tax. Talk to Nelson life 091441188
An Post Tax Free Savings
Have you considered the impact of inflation on the real value of your deposits. At Nelson Life we have access to market leading ‘capital at risk’ investment products and pension funds. Talk to us 091441188
Business Investment advice
Ever wanted to jump from savings to stock-market investments. We have a wide range of corporate investment bonds available for business owners. Talk to NelsonLife Investment 091441188
2017 investment event calendar
Make sure you have your Financial Plan updated this year - talk to Nelson Life Financial Planning 091441188
Reducing risk in stressed markets
Want to know how to reduce risk in ‘stressed’ markets? We have access to blended investment funds covering the whole risk spectrum. Talk to Nelson life Investments 091441188
What does a medium to long term investment mean?
Do you know what the longer-term asset returns for equities/shares versus gilts/bonds and cash instruments is? Consider all the numbers before you make an investment. Make an informed decision, talk to nelson life 091441188
Investment return expectations lowered
Return expectations - 10 year return projections. We have access to market leading ‘active’ and ‘passive’ investment managers. Talk to Nelson life Investments 091441188
Wealth & investment advice
Wealth protection and investment management advisors. Access to market leading providers. Make your money work harder, talk to Nelson life 091441188
Considering life insurance?
Recent research shows that over 500,000 parents with children under 17, have no life insurance. Put a Plan in place today, talk to Nelson Life 091441188
SAVE on life insurance
Save on the cost of life insurance - you may be eligible to tax relief up to 40%. Nelson life Financial planning 091441188